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Runes and Northern Tradition Shamanism

The 10 week course Connecting With The Runes is a comprehensive introduction to the Runes encompassing and entwining history, mythology, methodology and shamanic journeying. 

The Runes are far more than alphabets or an alternative to Oracle Cards or Tarot.  The Runes are sacred energetic tools for development, healing, guidance and powerful magick.  They are doorways to the Wyrd and to the Gods.  They are anchorpoints for intuition and Seership to abound.  They are sound.  They are invitations to life changing Initiations, experiences and growth.

There are Old Gods inside this bag.  Your touch, your voice, your attention will wake them.

The course will cover not only connecting deeply with the Runes, your Seership and the Old Ones, but explore and practice different ways of working with the Runes, understand variations, bridge the differences between 'literal' meanings and interpretative meanings.  We will talk about Bindrunes, finding the Runes in nature, Galdr, and Seidr.

The course will give you the confidence to not only begin reading and start you on an extraordinary journey of growth and transformation.

The 1 day workshop Introduction To The Runes is a brief introduction to the Runes encompassing and entwining history, mythology, methodology and shamanic journeying.  It covers the basics of history, an introduction to how to explore the meanings of the Runes yourself and how to do a simple reading.  It can be used as a taster session before  taking the 10 week course, but is not a pre-requisite of the course.

Rune Development workshops are a series of 1 day workshops for intermediate and advanced Rune workers.  With a focus on developing methods, deepening understanding and answering questions so you can get the most out of your readings and other runic work.  Shamanic methods will deepen your connection with the Runes, the Norns and the Web of Urd.

The Norns

The Norns workshop is a beautiful invitation to meet the Norns and learn of their critical role in time, space, the web of everything and all that is.  They are extremely powerful and ancient metaphysical female beings.  They hold the key to Seership.

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Power Animal Workshop

Meet and begin to counsciously work with your Power Animals on this magical journey with The Croaking Shaman.


The journey starts with a creation of the circle that will hold the space and time, that blesses and honours, prepares, grounds and protects the group journeying together on this very special day.


We will look at how everyday interactions with animals bring us messages, magic and healing from the Spirit world.  We will discuss ways to connect more deeply with the animals in our everyday lives.


We will explore what Power Animals are (including the difference between animal guides, familiars and power animals) and how to work with them, before undertaking a Shamanic Journey to meet your animals followed by integration of the energy. 


There will be opportunity to share your experience with the group and begin to feel into what these animals mean for you, how to build a relationship with them and the types of healings and learnings they might bring you.


You will create a meaningful keepsake to help you to powerfully and easily reconnect to your power animals at home. 


We will once again come together in circle to finish and close with a blessing and releasing of the magic woven, grounding and readying everyone to take their new relationships with their Power Animals into their everday realities.


You will need:

  • water to drink

  • a packed lunch

  • blankets to lie on/cover yourself with

  • your favourite cushion to sit on

  • pen and paper

  • if you have one a drum, rattle or shaker (there will be spare shakers to borrow)

  • yourself!


Artwork courtesy of Jackie Morris

ALL DATES of workshops and courses can be found on the Facebook page under events:
The Croaking Shaman | Facebook

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