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Soul Retrieval

Reclaim parts of yourself lost through trauma and stress.  Soul Retrieval is an interactive guided journey to find and re-integrate lost parts of yourself after trauma or stressful periods that may have resulted in disassociation, depression or other symptoms of soul loss.  On your journey to find and bring back pieces of your soul, you will supported, both by myself and by your power animals who you will meet.  A soul retrieval is a beautiful way of bringing power, joy and feeling of wholeness back into your life.  You are literally coming home to yourself and this will bring you a refreshed sense of purpose and confidence to tackle life with more ease.  The treatment starts with me talking you through a beautiful rainbow relaxation before guiding you on your journey which will be interactive, so you will be speaking and able to take the healing steps for yourself in a safe, supported and sacred space.  The treatment will finish with some sound healing, and afterwards, we will discuss how to welcome your returned soul back into your life.


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